Plots presented at HEP-EPS 2011
The plots below were presented in the following talk:
Global Fit to CKM Data
by V. Niess (on behalf of the CKMfitter group) at HEP-EPS 2011 (Grenoble, France).
The global CKM fit in the (|Vud|,|Vus|) plane:
Constraints on |Vud| and |Vus|
from nuclear superallowed betay decays, leptonic and semileptonic decays, as well as from observables from other flavour sectors (indirect constraints).
Constraints on the angle γ from B decays to charm:
Constraints on the angle γ from the analyses of different decay modes. |
Constraints on γ using different statistical treatments of the nuisance parameters.
Illustration of the impact of different statistical treatments of the nuisance parameters using the γ inputs of the CKM08 conference.
SM prediction for Br[Bs->μμ]:
Prediction on Bs->μμ in the Standard Model: Br[Bs->μμ]=(3.64+0.17-0.31).10-9
New Physics in Delta F=2:
Prediction on ASL from the fit to New Physics in neutral-meson mixing (Scenario I).
Prediction on φs from the fit to New Physics in neutral-meson mixing (Scenario I).