Plots and Results, May, 2001
On this page, you will find the results and plots of CkmFitter as of May, 2001 (the complete compendium is in our article hep-ph/0104062.). The inputs are given in this table.
The most relevant constraints (no errors shown) in the large (rhobar,etabar) plane | eps |
Sketch of the unitarity triangle in the (rhobar,etabar) plane | eps |
Confidence levels for the individual constraints in the (rhobar,etabar) plane with with full errors | eps   ps |
Confidence levels in the (rhobar,etabar) plane obtained from the global fit. The constraint from sin2beta is not included in the fit. | eps   ps |
Confidence levels in the large (rhobar,etabar) plane obtained from the global fit. The constraint from sin2beta is not included in the fit. | eps |
Confidence levels in the (rhobar,etabar) plane obtained from the global fit. The constraint from sin2beta is included in the fit. | eps   ps |
Confidence levels in the (sin2alpha,sin2beta) plane obtained from the global fit. The constraint from sin2beta is not included in the fit. | eps   ps |
Confidence levels in the (sin2alpha,gamma) plane obtained from the global fit. The constraint from sin2beta is not included in the fit. | eps   ps |
Confidence levels in the (sin2beta,gamma) plane obtained from the global fit. The constraint from sin2beta is not included in the fit. | eps   ps |
One-dimensional confidence levels for the Wolfenstein Parameters, the jarlskog parameter and the unitarity triangle angles | eps   ps |
One-dimensional confidence levels for sin2beta. Shown are the results from the direct measurements and the indirect CkmFitter constraints using Rfit and Bayesian statistics | eps   ps |
Table of all input measurements and parameters used in the global CKM fits | ps |
Numerical results obtained from a global CKM fit using Rfit for the CKM parameters, the UT angles, rare B and K decays and theoretical parameters, not-including sin2beta in the fit | ps |
Numerical results obtained from a global CKM fit using Rfit for the CKM parameters, the UT angles, rare B and K decays and theoretical parameters, including sin2beta in the fit | ps |
Numerical results obtained from a global CKM fit using Bayesian statistics with Gaussian and uniform PDF's, compared to Rfit | ps |