Results as of summer 2006 (ICHEP06/BEAUTY06)
A brief document that provides the collection of up-to-date inputs to the global CKM analysis and the numerical results obtained from it. The results include: Wolfenstein parameters, UT angles, (combinations of) CKM elements, theory parameters and rare branching fractions. Detailed background information on the methodology and the treatment of experimental and theoretical uncertainties is provided in hep-ph/0406184. |
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Comparison between CDF ΔMs measurement and CKM fit w/o ΔMs |
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|Vtd/Vts| from the global fit, the CDF ΔMs measurement and the ratio of the branching fractions (B→ρ0γ / B→K*0 γ) (average of BABAR and Belle) |
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Constraint from the B+→τ+ ν branching fraction:
α,β,γ convention: | φ1,φ2,φ3 convention: | |
Constraint in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane from the simultaneous use of the the B+→τ+ν branching fraction and Δmd. |
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The global CKM fit in the large (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane:
α,β,γ convention: | φ1,φ2,φ3 convention: | |
Constraints in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane including (a.o.) the most recent α/Φ2- and γ/Φ3-related inputs in the global CKM fit. |
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Tree = |Vub / Vcb| + γ(DK) and γ(π - α(isospin) - β(charmonium)) | α,β,γ convention: | φ1,φ2,φ3 convention: |
Constraints from Tree and s to d transition in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane. |
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Constraints from Tree and b to d transition in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane. |
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Constraints from Tree and b to s transition in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane (sin2β: naive average from penguin modes). |
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Constraints from Tree and b to (d,s) transition in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane (sin2β: average between charmonium and penguin modes). |
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The global CKM fit in the small (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane (zoom):
α,β,γ convention: | φ1,φ2,φ3 convention: | |
Zoomed constraints in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane including the most recent α/Φ2- and γ/Φ3-related inputs in the global CKM fit. |
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Constraints in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane including only the angle measurements. |
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Constraints from CP conserving quantities (|Vub / Vcb|, Δmd, (Δmd and Δms) and B+ →τ+ ν) in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane. |
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Constraints from CP violating quantities (sin(2β), α, γ and εk) in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane. |
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Constraints from "Tree" quantities in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane (γ(DK) and α from the isospin analysis with the help of sin2β (charmonium), which gives another tree only γ measurement (the only assumption is that the ΔI=3/2 b-->d EW penguin amplitude is negligible)). |
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Constraints from "Loop" quantities in the (ρ-bar,η-bar) plane. |
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Constraints on the angle α/Φ2 from charmless B decays:
Constraint on α/Φ2 from B→ππ. |
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Constraint on α/Φ2 from B→ρρ. |
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Constraints on α/Φ2 from B→ππ (WA), ρπ(BABAR), ρρ(WA),
compared to the prediction from the CKM fit (not including these measurements). α[combined] = 92.6 +10.7/–9.3 deg. |
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The numerical results for these quantities are given in the summary paper |
Constraints on the angle γ/Φ3
from B decays to charm :
Constraints on γ/Φ3 from world average D(*)K decays
(GLW+ADS) and Dalitz analyses compared to the prediction from the global
CKM fit (not including these measurements).
γ[combined] = 62 +38/–24 deg. |
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The numerical results for these quantities are given in the summary paper |
Constraints from SU(3) flavor symmetry:
Constraints in the (rhobar,etabar) plane from the observables in B->pipi,Kpi,KKbar decays and using SU(3) flavor symmetry. In red the 2sigma contour of the standard CKM fit. (ICHEP 2006 data). |
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The observables Rn vs S(Kspi0): indirect prediction from the SU(3) fit (without the corresponding experiment inputs) and the standard determination of CKM elements. In blue the 1sigma bands of the direct experimental measurements. (Moriond 2006 data). |
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The observables Rn vs S(Kspi0): indirect prediction from the SU(3) fit (without the corresponding experiment inputs) and the standard determination of CKM elements. In blue the 1sigma bands of the direct experimental measurements. (ICHEP 2006 data). |
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New physics in B0- B0bar Mixing
New physics in B0- B0bar Mixing described model-independently by introducing two new parameters measuring the relative strength (rd2) and the relative phase between the B0- B0bar mixing matrix element containing contributions from SM as well as from NP contributions compared to SM contributions only. |
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